Breathing Easier with Timely Bronchiectasis Care
Have you been coughing every day for months — or even years? Is your cough often accompanied by mucus or blood? Do you experience shortness of breath or wheezing? Is it accompanied by chest pain? Has the skin under your fingernails gotten thicker, causing your fingernails and toenails to curve downward?
What is the Difference Between Healthspan and Lifespan? And Why is Good Lung Health Important for Each?
Lifespan is a term familiar to many, as it indicates the total number of years a person lives. The average lifespan was 76.60 years for Americans in 2021, 72.81 years for the world.
What is OSA – Sleep Apnea – and How Do I Treat It?
Lifespan is a term familiar to many, as it indicates the total number of years a person lives. The average lifespan was 76.60 years for Americans in 2021, 72.81 years for the world.
I Want to Stop Smoking: What Resources Are Available to Me, How Do I Do It, Are There Any Medications?
If you’re looking to quit smoking, there are many resources available to help you, and the desire to quit is a huge step in the right direction.
I Have A “Spot On My Lungs.” What Does That Mean?
A spot on the lungs – or a “pulmonary nodule” – is a small mass of tissue that appears on an X-ray or CT scan of the lungs. Pulmonary nodules are never a cause for panic, as they are usually benign or non-cancerous.
Inhalers: What Are They, How Do I Use Them, Why Do I Need One?
Inhalers – also known as bronchodilators – are medications breathed through the mouth and into the lungs in order to help clear airways.
I Need a Bronchoscopy with EBUS – What’s That?
An EBUS (or EndoBronchial UltraSound) bronchoscopy is a minimally invasive but highly effective outpatient procedure designed to help diagnose lung disorders, such as inflammation, infections, or cancer.
Common Respiratory Issues in Older Adults FAQ
1A. Is asthma treated in older adults the same way it’s treated in children and young adults? Asthma can occur at any age. Older adults experience asthma, but are more likely to be underdiagnosed and undertreated. The CDC estimates that over 2 million persons 65 years old or greater have asthma, which is expected to rise to greater than 5 million by 2030.
New Asthma Treatments: What Are Biologics?
Biologics are genetically-engineered medications made from the cells of living organisms and modified to target antibodies, inflammatory molecules, or cell receptors naturally occurring in humans.
Do I Need An Annual COVID-19 Vaccine?
COVID-19 stands poised to persist as a chronic presence in the coming years. Another uptick of mild cases in late May affirmed that the disease is still a part of our lives.
Recommendations for Reopening Schools During the COVID-19 Pandemic
One of the top questions on everyone’s mind regarding moving toward a “new normal” in our community is how to safely open schools again.
Types of Masks Used to Prevent COVID-19
There are a few different types of masks that can be utilized to help mitigate the spread of COVID-19 and other infectious diseases. Read more for information about the different types of masks.
Hamilton County Mask Mandate
On Monday, July 6th, in an attempt to mitigate the spread of COVID-19, Hamilton County Mayor Jim Coppinger approved a mask mandate.
Let’s Talk About Masks
Separate research groups (including this report from and this report from Annals of Internal Medicine) report that surgical face masks reduced the presence of influenza and coronavirus RNA in respiratory droplets and aerosols from infected individuals. This supports the CDC guidelines for the public.
Chattanooga, Tennessee COVID-19 Resources
While we’ve found ourselves in a strange time with a lot of uncertainty, our local government has risen to the task and has developed many resources for Hamilton County citizens to utilize. Here is a list of local COVID-19 resources for the Chattanooga, Tennessee area.
The New Normal: Adjusting to Life After COVID-19 Quarantine
Several weeks after “shelter-in-place” orders effectively shut down businesses all across the country, many states are beginning to slowly lift those orders.
COPD Treatment: Are Inhaled Corticosteroids Effective?
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disorder (COPD for short) is an umbrella term that includes and describes progressive lung diseases. Lung diseases that fall under the COPD umbrella include emphysema, chronic bronchitis, and non-reversible asthma.
Surviving Lung Cancer
Surviving Lung Cancer: How Early Diagnosis and Treatment Improves Survival Odds.
How Do I Treat Asthma During Pregnancy?
With pregnancy comes big life changes. Suddenly, you’re thinking about what brand of diapers to buy, what sort of car seat is the safest, and whether or not your daily cup of coffee is going to have to stop.
Why Can’t I Stop Coughing?
Hear that sound? Of course you do, you’ve been hearing it for what seems like forever. It’s the sound of you coughing… again.