Preparing Your Lungs for Flu Season: Essential Tips from a Pulmonologist
The flu is a respiratory infection which is caused by flu viruses and which spreads easily from person to person, typically when an infected person coughs or sneezes.
While most people recover from the flu on their own with rest, hydration, and over-the-counter medications, people living with chronic lung conditions need to take extra precautions during flu season to protect their lungs and overall health.
If you have any of these lung conditions, you are more vulnerable to severe flu-related complications:
• Asthma: Catching the flu can trigger asthma attacks and lead to increased inflammation and narrowing of your airways, causing you to wheeze and have difficulty breathing.
• Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD): If you suffer from COPD, including chronic bronchitis and emphysema, your condition can be significantly worsened by the flu, leading you to have increased mucus production, coughing, and difficulty breathing.
• Pneumonia: The flu can cause you to develop secondary bacterial pneumonia or viral pneumonia, worsening your lung inflammation and filling your lungs with fluid, which will further complicate your breathing.
• Bronchitis: Your acute or chronic bronchitis can worsen with the flu due to increased inflammation and irritation of your bronchial tubes, leading to severe coughing and mucus production.
• Interstitial Lung Disease (ILD): If you have ILD, you can experience increased lung stiffness and reduced oxygen exchange, leading to further shortness of breath.
• Bronchiectasis: If you have bronchiectasis, the flu can increase mucus production and inflammation, making it harder for you to clear airways and leading to repeated infections.
The flu can also exacerbate your symptoms if you suffer from cystic or pulmonary fibrosis, pulmonary hypertension, or obstructive sleep apnea.
If you have any of the above respiratory conditions, you need to take extra precaution during flu season.
Consider these steps to help you prepare:
Visit your physician for a check-up before flu season to ensure that your lung condition is well-managed and under control.
Get your annual flu vaccine as early as possible to build immunity before the peak of flu season. You may also want to get a pneumococcal vaccine to help prevent pneumococcal pneumonia, which is a serious and common complication of the flu.
Stay on schedule with taking (and refilling) all your prescribed medications.
Practice good hygiene by washing your hands frequently with soap and water, as well as by using an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
Use a humidifier at home and stay away from smoke, dust, and other irritants elsewhere that can aggravate your lungs.
In order to reduce the risk of inhaling airborne viruses, minimize contact with people with flu-like symptoms, stay away from large gatherings and crowded places, and consider wearing a mask if you have to be in public settings or around sick individuals.
Strengthen your immune system by eating a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and proteins.
Stay hydrated to keep mucus thin and help your lungs function more efficiently.
Get regular, moderate exercise to strengthen your respiratory muscles.
Avoid secondhand smoke. If you smoke, you should seriously consider quitting, as smoking can not only exacerbate the symptoms of your lung condition, but it can also increase the risk of severe flu complications.
Regular communication with your healthcare provider is essential for getting personalized advice and disease management. If you need guidance for managing your existing respiratory condition during flu season — including what to do if symptoms should suddenly worsen — The Lung Docs can help. Give us a call at (423) 710-3864 or make an appointment online.
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